kin Infection in the Hair Follicles
As the years go by and we mature as adults, we expect our skin to clear up from those unbearable acne breakouts. However sometimes there are many skin reactions that could lead to a new breakout or something just as bad or worse. There are conditions that can bring back those broken out faces of our teen years.
Razor burn is the name given to symptoms of skin redness, abrasion and irritation and ingrown hairs that appear as tiny blisters that are filled with pus, folliculitis or skin infection and more…
These problems appear when hair is pushed back into the follicle by utilizing incorrect shaving techniques. As the hair begins to grow back into the skin, the hair follicle becomes inflamed and the hairs get trapped, resulting in what we know as ingrown hairs. These ingrown hairs, or "razor bumps" are irritating, unattractive and can even develop into acne-like infections. They are also known to be uncomfortable and in many cases can be very painful.
This skin problem tends to occur more frequently in people with thicker, curlier hair and can affect the skin anywhere you shave or where other hair removal methods are applied. Improper shaving may also cause Folliculitis, where the hair grows slightly under the skin and becomes trapped, causing a bacterial infection similar to acne.
Skin infections
Folliculitis is caused by incorrect shaving techniques. It is often accompanied by inflammation and pus. The various treatments for this condition tends to alleviate the irritation, dry up, disinfect the pustules and desensitize the skin.